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How to Refinnace an Investment Property

Dec 22, 2023 By Triston Martin

Are you considering refinancing an investment property to take advantage of lower interest rates? Refinancing an investment property can be a great way to maximize the financial performance of your real estate portfolio.

Whether you're thinking about selling your current properties or purchasing additional ones, refinancing gives investors access to additional capital that can be used for upgrades and renovations.

We'll cover how to refinance an investment property, from researching loan options and understanding fees to leveraging points and locking down rates.

Refinance An Investment Property

Refinancing an investment property is the process of replacing your current existing loan with a new one. When you refinance, you're essentially paying off your existing loan and taking out a new one at lower interest rates or better terms.

This can have beneficial implications for investors looking to improve their returns on investment properties by lowering monthly payments, increasing cash flow, and reducing taxes.

HOW to Refinance An Investment Property

When refinancing an investment property, the process is similar to securing a primary mortgage. Here are some tips and steps to consider:

Build Equity

The first step to refinancing is to build equity in your property. Equity is the difference between what your home is worth and what you owe on it, so increasing the value of your property can increase the amount of equity you have available for refinancing. You can do this by making renovations or improvements that add value to your investment property.

Research Loan Options

The next step is to research loan options for refinancing an investment property. Several types of loans are available, including adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), fixed-rate mortgages, and jumbo loans, so it's important to understand each option before selecting one.

You should also consider if there are any special programs available that could help you take advantage of lower interest rates or other incentives.

Fees And Points

When researching loan options, understand any fees and points associated with the loan. Knowing what these costs will be can help you decide if refinancing your investment property is a worthwhile decision.

Generally speaking, closing costs for a refinance are typically higher than those associated with a purchase mortgage, so it's important to factor that into your decision-making process.

Calculate fees

Determine how much you'll need to pay for closing costs and points upfront. This will help you decide whether the savings from refinancing outweigh the fees.

Check Your Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio

Once you've researched loan options and calculated your fees, the next step is to check your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. Your DTI ratio measures the total amount of monthly debt payments compared to your gross income, so lenders will want to see that your finances are in order before approving an investment property refinance.

Leverage points

Consider leveraging points to reduce your interest rate and save money over time. This involves paying a one-time closing fee to reduce your interest rate. The lower the rate, the more money you'll save in the long run, which can greatly maximize your savings.

Lock Down Rates

Finally, lock down your rates with your lender of choice. Once you have an offer that meets your needs and budget requirements, secure it by signing the loan documents and locking down rates. This will ensure you can take advantage of current market conditions before they change.

Get pre-approved

Going through the pre-approval process can give you an edge when negotiating with lenders and could leave you better positioned to get approved for a loan.

Monitor market conditions

Monitor market conditions to take advantage of changes that benefit your finances.

By following these steps and understanding how to refinance an investment property, you can maximize the financial performance of your portfolio and take advantage of lower interest rates and better terms.

Reasons to Refinance Your Investment Property

Refinancing an investment property can have several advantages, including:

Lowering your monthly payments

Refinancing your loan at lower interest rates could reduce monthly payments and free up extra cash for other investments or expenses.

Increasing your cash flow

If you've been holding onto an investment property for a while, refinancing could give you access to additional capital that can be used for upgrades or other improvements. This can increase the value of your property and your potential rental income.

Lowering taxes

Refinancing your current loan could lead to lower interest payments and lower taxes owed on the property.

Accessing the equity

By refinancing your current loan, you could access additional equity that can be used for other investments. This can be a great way to diversify your portfolio without liquidating existing assets.

Consolidating debt

If you've been carrying multiple loans with different interest rates and terms, refinancing them into one loan could help make managing your debts easier. It could also lead to lower interest rates and monthly payments.

You Can Change Your Loan Terms

The process of refinancing an investment property also provides investors with an opportunity to restructure their loan terms. Depending on your goals, you can choose a longer repayment period to reduce the amount you pay each month or opt for a shorter one to pay off the loan quicker and save money in the long run. You can also shop for lenders offering better terms, such as no closing costs or prepayment penalties.

You Can Get Cash to Use for Renovations or Other Purposes

Another benefit of refinancing an investment property is giving you access to cash. By taking out a loan with a higher balance than your current loan, you can use the extra money for renovations and upgrades. This can increase the property's value over time and make it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants in the future.

Refinancing an investment property can be a great way to maximize the financial performance of your real estate portfolio. By understanding how to refinance an investment property, you can take advantage of lower interest rates and better terms, potentially leading to increased cash flow and potential tax savings. Additionally, leveraging points and locking down rates can ensure you can take full advantage of market conditions for maximum benefit.


Can you cash out 100% equity?

It depends on the lender and their guidelines. Generally speaking, most lenders will allow you to access up to 80% of your equity to cash out – but it's important to check with the specific lender beforehand.

Does Texas allow cash out on investment property?

Yes, cash-out refinancing for investment properties is allowed in Texas. However, it's important to note that different lenders may have guidelines and restrictions regarding cash-out refinances, so research beforehand.

What is the 2% rule in Texas?

The 2% rule in Texas allows borrowers to take out up to two percent of the gross appraised value of their property for cash-out refinancing. This amount is not based on the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio but on how much equity you have in your home.


Refinancing an investment property can be a difficult and complex task. Although it is certainly something that should be done with careful consideration, the potential rewards of a successful refinance could mean a great deal to your long-term financial plan.

We hope this blog post has provided useful and practical information about refinancing investment properties. You should now have enough understanding to make an informed decision about whether or not it is the right move for you. If you're considering refinancing, it's always best to get help from a professional who can provide you with beneficial advice and guidance on the finer points of the process.

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